Travel and Emergency for Americans
Available to all U.S. Residents to age 84
TME Travel Insurance has NO infectious disease exclusions – meaning that COVID is covered as any other illness. Most plans cover both domestic and international travel and can be issued for a specific trip or on an annual basis.
Short 60 day “Look Back” on Pre-Existing Conditions
Choose TRAVEL MEDICAL for a combination of emergency medical insurance with air ambulance to your home hospital of choice
Choose MEDICAL EVACUATION for air ambulance home coverage only
Choose TRIP PROTECTION/CANCELLATION for a full travel insurance policy. This policy provides a Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR) option
Choose MEDICAL TOURISM to protect your trip if you are traveling to obtain medical treatments/surgeries outside the U.S.

Travel Medical and Evacuations Plans – for US Citizens and US Residents traveling outside the USA
- Safe Travels Outbound – Primary Medical Plan for US Citizens and US Residents traveling outside the USA for up to 180 days.
- Voyager Single Trip:
- Trekker Multiple Trip:
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Travel Medical for anyone while traveling outside their Home Country. Please note this policy IS NOT valid for travel from, in, or to the United States of America.
- Safe Travels International – Travel Medical for anyone while traveling outside their Home Country. Please note this policy IS NOT valid for travel from, in, or to the United States of America.
For NON US Citizens traveling to the USA or traveling to USA with a side trip or stop in another country (Must have some time in USA)
Safe Travels USA – Underwritten by Crum and Forster, SPC – For Non US Citizens and Non US Residents traveling to the USA or to USA and Worldwide for up to 364 days |
Travel Insurance for NON-US Citizens
- Safe Travels USA Trip Protection – Trip cancellation up to $25,0000 and Travel Medical and Related Benefits for NON US Citizens traveling to the USA. Up to $1,000,000 and choice of Deductible
Safe Travels USA Comprehensive Coverage
- Travel insurance without trip cancellation – For Non US Citizens and Non US Residents traveling to the USA or to USA and Worldwide for up to 364 days. Up to $1,000,000.00 usd
Get full medical coverage for all your travels either for a single trip or a multiple trip annual policy. (Depending on your state of residence) Choose a maximum of 30, 45 or 90 consecutive days according to the selected option and easily extend your coverage if one of your trips exceeds 30, 45 or 90 consecutive days up to a maximum of 365 days for an additional daily premium.
Adventure Seekers!
Remote Emergency Extraction with Emergency Medical Option
Are you an adventure seeker? Climbers, skiers, expeditions, safaris etc. Are you traveling to a remote location or anyplace where immediate access to quality medical services is not available?

Air Ambulance Plans for Americans and Canadians:
No Maximum Age Limit
No Medical Questionnaire
Special ExPat Plan for foreign residents or trips over 90 consecutive days
One Year – Three Year – Five Year memberships available
Short 30-day Pre-Existing Conditions clause
No rate increases at age milestones
No medical necessity or nearest appropriate facility clauses
Available to Age 84
Must Enroll prior to leaving your home country
Travel and ExPat memberships available
Emergency non-medical extraction and Crisis Response option Horizon plan
As a MedjetAssist Member, if you become hospitalized 150 miles or more from your primary residence, Medjet will arrange medical transportation to a home-country hospital of your choice for inpatient care regardless of medical necessity. Memberships for residents of the U.S., Canada or Mexico, up to age 84.

TME Emergency Air Ambulance Insurance
for Americans and U.S Residents
Available to age 84
- $500,000 Evacuation policy limit – underwritten by Nationwide Insurance Company
- International and Domestic coverage
- Multi-trip and 364 Maximum consecutive stay plans available
- Emergency Medical Option Available
- Transport to hospital of choice – NOT just closest suitable
- Traveling companion/family member transport
- Return of vehicle/RV/watercraft
- No Pre-existing condition exclusion